Top #10 Most Used HTML Tags with Example || HTML Tags List 2023

There are a total of 120+ tags in html programming language. Every html tag has different functionality.

All HTML Tag Lis With Example 2023

HTML tags display any content or task on a web page. Without using HTML tags we can not display any content on a webpage.

HTML language is filled with many tags which is why the second name of HTML programming language is tags base programming languages.

HTML is a short form of Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is used to create a structure of any web page. Any web page that exists on the internet must be created with HTML programming language.

Read more: What is HTML?

There are so many tags in the HTML programming language, many people want to know which HTML tags are most used. If you want to know which HTML tags are most used then read this article till last.

After a lot of searching, I have compiled a list of the top 10 Most Used HTML Tags that every html developer must use to create any web page. Simply put, a web page is incomplete without these top #10 html tags.

Top #10 Html Tag List

Below is a list of the top #10 html tags that every html developer must use in their project.

  1. Link Tag
  2. Div Tag
  3. Paragraph(p) Tag
  4. Anchor(a) Tag
  5. Image(IMG) Tag
  6. Heading Tags
  7. Line break(br) Tag
  8. List(ol, ul, dl) Tag
  9.  Video Tag
  10. Strong Tag


1. Link Tag

Link tag is an important tag in html programming language. This HTML tag is used to link a CSS file to an HTML file. In simple words, this tag is used to link the stylesheet with html file. Below method for writing link tags.

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="filename.css">

2. Div Tag

The div tag is important and the top-used tag in the HTML programming language. A div tag declares a specific area or section for some content. All other HTML tags are written between the div tag so that is why the tag tag is considered the main tag in HTML programming language.

<div>your content or other tags</div>

3. Paragraph(p) Tag

The paragraph tag is also the most important in HTML. All the text content is written between the paragraph tag. Every written content on a web page must be displayed with the help of a paragraph tag. This HTML tag must used in every project whether it is a front-end project or a back-end project. The paragraph tag is defined as:


4. Anchor(a) Tag

In html programming language anchor tag is also known as hyperlink tag. This tag is used to link some text or button from one page to another page. Html anchor tag is defined as:

<a href="your_link">CodingPea</a>

5. Image(IMG) Tag

The image tag is also an important and top-used tag in the HTML programming language. This tag is used to add images to our web page or html document. The image tag is defined as:

    <img src="your_image_path" alt="">

6. Heading Tag

Heading tags in HTML are the most important tags in HTML. Heading tags are used to show some important text or heading in content. Tehere are furhtur six heading tags in html. Below is a list of six heading tags in HTML language.

  • <h1>Major Heading</h1> This tag is used to show a major heading on a web page.
  • <h2> Heading</h2> This tag is used to display the heading in a web page.
  • <h3>Sub-Heading</h3> This tag is used to display the subheading on a web page.
  • <h4>Minor Heading</h4> This tag is used to display the minor heading in a web page.
  • <h5></h5>
  • <h6></h6>

7. Line Break(br) Tag

The line break tag is mostly used to divide the lengthy written text or content. This tag works like a breaker because due to this tag, the content line is broken and makes a new line. This tag has no ending tag. The line break tag is written as:


8. List(ol, ul, dl) Tag

List tag is also an important and most common tag in html programming language. In HTML programming language, a list tag is used to make a list in HTML and display on a web page. There are three types of list tags in html. Below is a list of three list tags in HTML language:

  • <ol>Ordered List</ol>
  • <ul>Unorder List</ul>
  • <dl>Description List</dl>

9. Video Tag

Video tag is an important tag in html tag. This tag is used to display video on a web page.  We can also pass different video paraments in this tag to play a video in a loop or an autoplay video. Video tag is defined as:

<video width="" height="" loop autoplay>

<source src="" type="video/mp4">


10. Strong Tag

Strong is used to highlight some important text in the paragraph. It shows the important tile or something else in the content. The strong tag is written as:

<strong>Important Title</strong>

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