All the data available on the internet is shown to us with the help of web pages. The web pages are stored on the internet servers to show these pages on the internet. On any web page, the data is displayed with the help of HTML tags.
HTML is a base programming language that is used to display web page data on the browser. HTML is a short form of Hyper Text Markup language. HTML programming language has certain tags that help to deadly any type of data on the browser.
Secret HTML Tag List
120+ tags exist in the HTML programming language. Every tag has its own uses or purposes.
If you don't know the actual meanings of HTML tags or you don't know what is are, You must read about What are HTML Tags?
Nowadays, in the era of the latest development, every student is becoming a developer of HTML programming language due to which the market competition is increasing. If you want to make your place in the market competition then you have to become a senior html developer.
HTML is only a programming language that is full of different types of tags which is why HTML is also known as a base programming language. If you want to become a senior html developer then you need to know some secret tags that you can learn to become a senior html developer.
So in today's article, I will show you a list of top-secret tags in HTML. I will tell you some html tags that even your fellow developers may not know and if you learn these secret html tags you will become a senior html developer.
List of Secret HTML Tag
Below is a list of of latest HTML secret tags that will you you to become a senior HTML developer.
- <figure> Html Tag
- <optgroup> Html Tag
- <fieldset> Html Tag
- <detail> Html Tag
- <marquee> Html Tag
<figure> Html Tag
<figure> HTML tag is the only HTML tag that senior HTML uses in their project, this tag is also known as HTML figure tag. The figure tag is the latest secret tag of HTML 5.
In the figure tag of html5, we can put any content like images, videos, articles, etc in the figure tag. With the help of a figure tag, we can give a title to the content placed inside the figure tag. <figcaption> is a sub-tag of <figure> tag that is used to declare content title. A <figcaption> tag is used to give the title of the content that is written inside the <figure> tag. Below is a code example of HTML figure tag.
<p>CodingPea is a blogging webste</p>
<optgroup> Html Tag
The actual name of <optgroup> HTML tag is Option-Group HTML Tag. The <outgroup> tag is used to define a category of additional items within the option tag.
The option tag is used inside the html select tag to create dropdown options or dropdown items in HTML language. Now if we want to create categories of this item in the dropdown, then we use the <outgroup> tag. Below is a code example of the html <outgroup> tag.
<select name="nws-items" id="nws-items">
<option value="">Nws Item1</option>
<option value="">Nws Item2</option>
<option value="">Nws Item3</option>
<optgroup label="CodingPea">
<option value="">Nws Item4</option>
<option value="">Nws Item5</option>
<option value="">Nws Item6</option>
<fieldset> Html Tag
The actual name of <fieldset> html tag is Field Set html tag. The html fieldset tag defines groups of forms within any html form within any html form. In simple words with the help of feldset, we give a title to a form or make a box outside the form. Below is a code example of an HTML field set tag.
<label for="">Name</label>
<input type="name" id="nws-name">
<label for="">Email</label>
<input type="email" id="nws-email">
<detail> Html Tag
The actual name of <detail> Html Tag is Html Detail tag. As this tag shows, something is some content is in detail. This HTML tag is used to show a detail of any title like an accordion. This tag works as a javascript accordion. With the help of this tag user or client can show or hide details of some titles by clicking on the title. Below is a code example of an HTML detail tag.
<p>There is some detailed content</p>
<marquee> Html Tag
<marquee> HTML tag is also known as HTML animated tag. With the help of this tag, we can add a slider to our HTML content. This HTML tag works like a slider which is why this tag is also called an HTML slider tag or HTML animated tag. We can also add different attributes in marquee tags like slide direct or slide speed etc. Below is a code example of HTML marquee tag.
<marquee scrollamount="20" direction="left">
CodingPea is a blogging website.
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