20+ CSS Properties that Every Developer Should Used

CSS is a cascading style sheeet of any web page. Cascading Style sheet(CSS) help developer to create web page beautifully and responsive.

20+ CSS Properties that Every Developer Should Used

Most Common CSS Properties That Every Developer Must Know

CSS language is filled with style-based base properties which is why CSS is called the style sheet of HTML language. There are thousands of CSS-style properties. Every CSS property has its own function or style.

With the help of CSS style properties, we can make a perfect look at our web page. CSS properties also help developers to make pages fully responsive. 

What is Html Element and Attribute?

Since there are thousands of CSS properties, we can not remember every CSS property. Most of the freshers and studies or junior CSS developers are confused about how to remember so many properties of CSS.

In my previous article What is CSS? many people are confused about how to remember those kinds of CSS properties. 

So here is some good news for freshers and student or junior developers you don't need to remember all the CSS properties, just remember the few CSS properties that are most used to beatify any web page.

In this article, I will show you the top 20+ CSS Properties that Every Developer Should Use in their project. Below is a list of 20+ CSS properties that every developer should use to make their project more beautiful and fully responsive. 

  1. Text Align Property
  2. Width Property
  3. Height Property
  4. Font Size Property
  5. Display Property
  6. Position Property
  7. Margin Property
  8. Padding Property
  9.  Color Property
  10. Background Property
  11. Animation Property
  12. Transform Property
  13. Border Property
  14. Border Radius Property
  15. Content Property
  16. Transition Property
  17. Opacity Property
  18. Object Fit Property
  19. Box Shadow Property
  20. Justify Content Property


As many style properties are in CSS language, each CSS property has further multiple values. Below I will show you the top used value of the above 20 CSS properties that every developer should use.

1.    Text Align Css Property

Text align CSS property is the most important and top used proper in CSS language. With the help of this property, we can set the alignment of any text that we write in our project.

There are three main values that we used with the CSS text-align property. First is text-align: left, this property will help to set the text position on the left side of the screen. The second is text-align: center, this property will help to set the text position in the center of the screen. Third is text-align: right, this property will help to set the text position on the right of the screen.

2.    Width CSS Property

CSS width property is the second main CSS property that we use in every project. With the help of this property, we can set the width of any element or any box in html. We have multiple measuring units to set the width of any element.

3.    Height Property

CSS height property is used to declare the height of any element or any box in html. With the help of the CSS height property, we can set the height of the element in CSS. Like CSS with property, we have multiple measuring units to declare element height.

4.    Font Size CSS Property

This CSS property will increase the beautification of text content that we write on a web page. CSS font-size property helps to set the size of text content.

5.    Display CSS Property

There are many useful values of  CSS display properties. We can make a flex box by using display: flex. CSS Display property also help to hide or show html element.

Display: none is used to hide any html and display: block is used to show any html element. In addition, we can also create a grid system using the display: grid property.

6. Position CSS Property

CSS position property is also a top-used CSS property. With the help of this property, we can set the position of any element. We can set the element position fixed or sticky with the help of this property.

7.    Margin CSS Property

The Margin CSS property is used to add the space on the outer side of the element or HTML tag. We can add space on the left/right or top/bottom of the element.

8.    Padding CSS Property

CSS padding property is used to add the inner side to the html element or HTML tag. Like the CSS margin property, we can also add inner left/right, and top/bottom space to the HTML element.

9.    Color Property

CSS Color property is used to add color to text content. We can change any text color by using this property. This property is most used when we create web pages according to color scheme.

10.    Background Color Property

CSS background-color property is used to add background color in any html tag or element. With the help of this property, we can add a background color to any box. This CSS property will create a web page more beatify.

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