What is JavaScript || Simple introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript is a top-used scripting programming language. Nowadays, JavaScript is used in all types of development, be it front-end or back-end development.

What is JavaScript || Simple introduction to JavaScript

Introduction to JavaScript in Simple Words

Nowadays javascript is a very popular and top-used programming language. Javascript is top used programming language because it has many extra features.

JavaScript is a scripting-based language. JavaScript has hundreds of functions that can be used for a variety of purposes.

In today's age of the latest technology, if you do not know JavaScript programming then you can not become a successful developer. If you want to know how to become a senior and successful developer must read, how to become a senior back-end web developer?

read: What are Programming languages in simple words?

In the programming world, Javascript is considered the heart of all programming languages.  JavaScript programming language is also included in the top 10 programming language list.

If you're a student or a junior developer and don't know about JavaScript programming, don't worry. Today I will describe to you about JavaScript language.

I will describe a simple and easy introduction to JavaScript. Read this article till the end, if you want to know about javascript programming and want to become a javascript developer.

Introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript is a scripting-based programming language. JavaScript is a case-sensitive programming language. The short form of JavaScript is JS(JavaScript). 

JavaScript is an interpreted programming language, meaning that Javascript is already added to our web browsers. 

We don't need to add JavaScropt in our code through a link or manually because the functionality of JavaScript is already added in our web browsers like Chrome, Opera, etc.

JavaScript Conditions with Code Example.

If we have to put a function in JavaScript code, then we don't have to tell the function from the beginning what to do, we just have to write the name of our function in the code and the function will automatically be executed in our code.

All javascript coding is prebuilt coding because JavaScript functions are already declared. In simple words we do not need to tell the code how to do it, we just tell the code what to do.

JavaSccript is used by most web developers to make web pages more attractive. That is why JavaScript is also called client-side programming language because it works for a client or user.

Although there are many programming languages in the world, Javacropt is considered the most important programming language because JavaScript is an event-based programming language. 

The event means that JavaScropt is full of all kinds of events. A javascript developer can use these javascript events in their website or code to provide any web mt to the client or run any functionally on the client side.

There are up to 35 events in JavaScript. Below is a list of a few top-used Javascript events.

  • Click
  • MouseHover
  • Load
  • Scroll

Click:    The click event is one of the top used and important in Javascript. With the help of a click event, you can perform any activity by clicking on a particular button from the client or user. According to a development service of 2022, nowadays there is no website available on the internet that does not use javascript click event.

MouseHover:    MouseHover is the second top used event in JavaScript. In the mouse hover javascript event, the client-side activity is automatically performed when your client or user cursor moves over a particular button or element.

Load:    The javascript load event is used when an object or element is loaded. If you want to shoot the client something else before the object or element is completely loaded on your website.

The javascript load event is usually placed on website load so that when the user's internet connects for some reason, the user can also see some data that you added in the load.

Scroll:   Usually javascript scroll event works with the window scroller.  This javascript event is used to animate some data on the widow scroller.

Top Uses of JavaScript

There are those uses of JavaScript. Below I will show you a few top uses of JavaScript:

  • Web Development
  • Game Development
  • To validate any form of information

Web Development:    Javascript is mainly used in web development. In web development, JavaScript is mostly used to add any type of animation to a web page. JavaScript is also used to make the web page more attractive. Without javascript functionality a website is incomplete.

If a web developer doesn't know JavaScript, he is not a web developer. A successful web developer is proficient in JavaScript programming.

Game Development:    The second main use of JavaScript is Game development. Many javascript functions and events are very important to use in in-game development.

To validate any Information:   It is the main and important use of javascript. Any form on any website or any other platform, whether it is a login form or a contact form, is validated with the help of JavaScript. Validate means that the information that the user is adding to the form is valid or not.

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